REGISTRATION Professional Land Surveyor, WA License No. 45667
Toby J. Bauer, PLS is the Surveyor Manager for Jamestown Land Survey and the surveyor of record for all survey projects. He is responsible for the scheduling and professional oversight of all field and office survey work.
Mr. Bauer has been surveying since 1999. He has extensive experience in all aspects of field surveys, performing research and calculations for fieldwork, checking field notes and verifying calculations. His work includes preparing Right-of-Way Plans, Record of Surveys, Boundary Line Adjustments, Short Plats, Formal Plats, Binding Site Plans, Easements, Legal Descriptions and other exhibits for surveying documents.
Projects have included institutional, municipal, and private sector projects of various sizes and complexity.
Jamestown Land Survey is proud to have a Land Survey Professional of Toby’s caliber on our team and are ready to help you with Any of Your Survey Needs!